
6Dec, 17

The advancements in computer technology have moved dramatically over the life time of a single generation. There are those in command of vessels who still recall their time as a young navigator using celestial navigation for ocean passages. Coastal passages used visual bearings and radar ranges, with the occasional assistance from Decca and Loran (early ... more

4Jul, 17

‘First published on Shipping and Trade Law (2017) 17 STL 5, p.4.” Background There have been numerous articles in circulation since seven countries (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Yemen, Libya and the Maldives) decided on 5th June to cut all diplomatic ties with Qatar and impose an economic blockade against the tiny emirate ... more

18Nov, 16

Moving forward in 2016 the EMCO GROUP welcomes the latest additions to the Group in furtherance of its firm commitment to service the evolving needs of its clients to the highest standards. UK Elias Law Limited is delighted to announce that Laurence McFadyen has joined our Solicitors’ firm in the UK as Managing Solicitor. UK Elias ... more

18Nov, 16

The Public Health Ministry has recently been imposing stringent regulations in Lebanon against all food sectors including cargo coming into the country. This is resulting in cargo receivers now refusing to take delivery of damaged cargo (such as wheat), even when offered upfront payment for destruction.  Surrounding countries are additionally refusing to grant permission to ... more

23Oct, 16

The Insurance Act 2015 came into force earlier this year reforming key areas of the Law of Insurance. The Insurance Act 2015 is viewed as a landmark piece of legislation since it is the first statute to be introduced which will significantly reform the law of insurance since the Marine Insurance Act 1906. The Act ... more